Getting Started

trojai_rl is a module to quickly generate triggered deep reinforcement learning (DRL) models. Similar to trojai, it contains two submodules: trojai_rl.datagen and trojai_rl.modelgen, but differ in purpose and in implementation. trojai_rl.datagen contains the triggered learning environments for model training as well as the API for using them with trojai_rl.modelgen. The trojai_rl.modelgen module contains the necessary API functions to generate DRL models from the triggered environments. While the available triggered environments and default training algorithms are currently limited, additional environments and default training algorithms are anticipated.

Triggered Environments and the Environment Factory


The only requirement for trojai_rl environments is that they inherit from OpenAI Gym’s gym.Env ( class, details about how the trigger is inserted or the reward structure is altered are determined my the environment writer. Currently trojai_rl includes the following environments:

  1. WrappedBoxing: OpenAI Gym’s Boxing-ram-v0 environment ( with a trigger of adding 100 to the RAM observations, modded by 256, and negated rewards when the trigger is active.


Because the trojai_rl assumes the optimizer will instantiate multiple environments to run in parallel, the RLOptimizerInterface train and test methods accept an EnvironmentFactory object, to be used with a list of configuration objects, to instantiate environments. Within the default optimizer, each configuration (e.g. with or without a trigger) is passed to the EnvironmentFactory, which returns the instantiated environment. This allows one to set the number of environments to have the model train on as well as what properties each environment should have. In particular, this allows one to specify a ratio of clean to triggered environments to train a model train on, which can be important for embedding triggers.

Model Generation

trojai_rl.modelgen is the submodule responsible for generating DRL models using triggered environments. The primary classes within trojai_rl.modelgen that are of interest are:

  1. RLOptimizerInterface
  2. Runner

From a top-down perspective, a Runner object is responsible for generating a model, trained with a given configuration specified by the RunnerConfig. The RunnerConfig consists of specifying the following parameters:

  1. train_env_factory - Instance of EnvironmentFactory used to create RL environments for training the DRL model.
  2. test_env_factory - Instance of EnvironmentFactory used to create RL environments for testing the DRL model both during training, and after.
  3. trainable_model - A trainable model. The exact type and status of this value depends on the implementation of the optimizer (RLOptimizerInterface). The primary provided optimizer, TorchACOptimizer, expects an instance of a PyTorch nn.Module.
  4. optimizer - Instance of RLOptimizerInterface - an ABC which defines train and test methods to train a given model. The most updated optimizer provided with trojai_rl is the TorchACOptimizer, which uses torch_ac’s implementation of Proximal Policy Optimization to train DRL models.

The Runner ensures the correct information goes to the correct objects, saves the model and collects and saves performance information. Most of the complexity is contained within the implementation of the RLOptimizerInterface, although in principle, it may be as simple or complex as needed to implement the train and test methods for a model and environment configuration. The only required complexity is that these methods must return all performance metrics within TrainingStatistics and TrainingStatistics objects, which are implemented in trojai_rl.modelgen.statistics.

Class Descriptions


The Runner trains a model by using a subclass of the RLOptimizerInterface object. The RLOptimizerInterface is an ABC which requires implementers to define train and test methods defining how to train and test a model. As mentioned above, the most updated optimizer provided with trojai_rl is the TorchACOptimizer, which uses torch_ac’s implementation of Proximal Policy Optimization to train DRL models; however the user is free to specify custom training and test routines by implementing the RLOptimizerInterface interface in any way desired.


The Runner generates a model, given a RunnerConfig configuration object. It ensures the correct information goes to the correct objects, saves the model and collects and saves performance information in the desired directory.

For additional information about each object, see its documentation.

Model Generation Examples

The following are scripts included in trojai_rl that produce triggered DRL models:

  1. - this script trains a DRL model on WrappedBoxing game with its default trigger ( (obs + 100) % 256 ) and reward negation as the reward function.