
trojai_rl welcomes your contributions! Whether it is a bug report, bug fix, new feature or documentation enhancements, please help to improve the project!

In general, please follow the scikit-learn contribution guidelines for how to contribute to an open-source project.

If you would like to open a bug report, please open one here. Please try to provide a Short, Self Contained, Example so that the root cause can be pinned down and corrected more easily.

If you would like to contribute a new feature or fix an existing bug, the basic workflow to follow is:

  • Open an issue with what you would like to contribute to the project and its merits. Some features may be out of scope for trojai_rl, so be sure to get the go-ahead before working on something that is outside of the project’s goals.
  • Fork the trojai_rl repository, clone it locally, and create your new feature branch.
  • Make your code changes on the branch, commit them, and push to your fork.
  • Open a pull request.

Please ensure that:

  • Any new feature has great test coverage.
  • Any new feature is well documented with numpy-style docstrings & an example, if appropriate and illustrative.
  • Any bug fix has regression tests.
  • Comply with PEP8.